Vrijeme održavanja programa: od 23. do 27. travnja 2025. godine.
Rok za prijave: 22. studenog 2024., pismenim putem Erasmus koordinatoru SOZS-a na e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Najviše pet studenata će biti izabrano za sudjelovanje u programu, a rangiranje će se vršiti po principu tko se prvi javi.
Cilj ovog programa je pružiti studentima priliku za rad na tehničkim plesnim i istraživačkim radionicama koristeći suradničke, inovativne i multidisciplinarne pristupe poučavanju i učenju, u zajedničkom akademskom okruženju sa studentima i učiteljima iz cijele Europe.
Expected profile |
Students interested in dance, arts, sports, physical activity, body expression, drama, health collaborative work (i.e. nurse, psychotherapist students, psychology students), or education.
This program is fully inclusive, no dance training is required to participate.
The course is open to Bachelor, Master and Doctoral students.
Language requirements |
English B1 |
Selection criteria |
The selection will be based on criteria set by the relevant academic department or International office at the sending university.