Povjerenstvo za dodjelu nagrada i priznanja
1. doc. dr. sc. Mario Podrug
2. Izv. prof. dr. sc. Vesna Antičević
3. Izv. prof. dr. sc. Ante Obad
4. Ante Buljubašić, mag. med. techn., viši predavač
5. Lucija Jadrić, predstavnica studenata
Kontakt osoba: tajnica Pročelnika Odjela
telefon: 021 564 800
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Mission and Vision
- UDHS Organization
- UDHS Organization
- Scientific-educational organisational units
- Scientific-educational organisational units
- Study Programme Departments
- Jedinice
- Jedinice
- Postgraduate studies
- Educational organisational units
- Educational organisational units
- Academic Departments
- Academic Departments
- Academic Department of Nursing
- Academic Department of Midwifery
- Academic Department of Radiologic Technology
- Academic Department of Physiotherapy
- Academic Department of MLD
- Academic Department of Social Sciences and Humanities
- Academic Department of Preventive Medicine
- Academic Department of Basic Medical Sciences
- Teaching bases
- Professional services of the department
- Professional services of the department
- UDHS General Secretary.
- Secretary to the UDHS Head
- Student Office
- Personnel and General Affairs Office
- IT Office
- Accounting Office
- Library services
- Office of Science, Teaching and International Cooperation
- Center for Career Development and Lifelong Learning
- Quality management office
- Internal departments
- UDHS Organizational bodies
- UDHS Organizational bodies
- Head of the UDHS
- Deputy Head of the UDHS
- Assistant to the Head of the UDHS of Science and International Cooperation
- Assistant to the Head of the UDHS for Teaching
- Assistant to the Head of the UDHS for Business and Teaching Bases
- Assistant Head of the UDHS to the Legal Affairs
- Assistant to the Head of the UDHS for Development and Innovation
- Assistant to the head of the udhs for quality assurance
- Professional Expert Council
- Sustainable Development
- Committees