EASE (The European Association of Science Editors) organizira besplatne webinare o ciljevima održivosti u izdavaštvu (s naglaskom na UN SDG Publishers Compact), online školi statistike za znanstvenike i urednike iz područja medicine (u ožujku), te EASE školi za urednike (u travnju). Škole se održavaju uz nadoplatu, s time da članovi EASE-a imaju popust. Više informacija kao i poveznice za registraciju možete pronaći u nastavku obavijesti.

Walking the walk: assessing our commitment to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals -Tuesday, 20 February, 2pm UK time
Have you heard about the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) before? Maybe you have, but you are not sure how you can contribute. Perhaps you haven't, but it sounds relevant. Or you don't think it's relevant at all. Join our webinar to see whether you have a clear understanding of the SDGs and how you can contribute to them as a journal editor, publisher, or researcher. We will present the SDGs and the SDG Publishers Compact and provide examples of some simple steps you can take. You will hear testimonials from journal editors/ publishers/ researchers, and learn about resources, future plans, and initiatives. It's not too late to contribute to the SDGs and become one of the proud signatories of the SDG Publishers Compact. Together, we can be a force that changes the world and leaves it in much better shape for generations to come.
This webinar is free and open to all. Register at: EASE Webinar - Walking the walk: assessing our commitment to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals - EASE : EASE

Training course: Understanding and reporting statistics in medicine
This series of four online training modules will introduce participants to the most common statistical procedures used in clinical research. Intended for medical writers and editors with little to no background in statistics (and perhaps a great fear of the topic), the modules cover basic statistical terms, concepts, reasoning, and reporting characteristics of the more common procedures. The modules will be delivered consecutively over four weeks, but can be purchased individually.

Monday, 4 March -  Module 1: Variables, descriptive statistics, estimates, and confidence intervals
Monday, 11 March - Module 2: Hypothesis testing (P values and statistical power)
Monday, 18 March - Module 3: Association (including measures of risk), correlation, and regression analyses
Monday, 25 March - Module 4: Performance characteristics of diagnostic tests.

Training course: EASE Editorial School for Journal EditorsThis series of four online training modules will help editors make their journals more visible, impactful, and full of engaging material. The course is particularly suitable for those in the early stages of their careers as a journal editor, but will benefit members of all experiences, involved in managing or planning journals. The modules will be delivered consecutively over four weeks, but can be purchased individually.

Wednesday, 3 April – Module 1: Journal structure and management
Wednesday, 10 April – Module 2: Publishing ethics for editors
Wednesday, 17 April – Module 3: Peer review process and production
Wednesday, 24 April – Module 4: Promotion and indexing